Distributed Machine Learning Predictions Using PyTorch
Achieve faster ML model serving for your users at the edge by running a distributed ML model server. This tutorial will use CloudFlow to deploy PyTorch TorchServe with an example pretrained model.
The PyTorch container we will use is available on DockerHub. This tutorial was inspired by a GCP example.
Before starting, create a new CloudFlow Project and then delete the default Deployment and ingress-upstream
Service to prepare the project for your new deployment.
- You need an account on Docker Hub.
- You need Docker installed so that you can build a docker image.
Pull Down the Pretrained Model
Pull down the PyTorch example models from GitHub so that we can build one of them into the container image. We'll be using one that recognizes digits from PNG images.
mkdir my-pytorch-example
cd my-pytorch-example
git clone https://github.com/pytorch/serve.git \
--branch=v0.3.0 \
Create a Dockerfile for Your Container Image
The container image you'll build relies upon PyTorch Serve on Docker Hub. We'll be using the MNIST model, which will allow us to do image classification of digits from PNG images.
FROM pytorch/torchserve:0.3.0-cpu
COPY serve/examples/image_classifier/mnist/mnist.py \
serve/examples/image_classifier/mnist/mnist_cnn.pt \
serve/examples/image_classifier/mnist/mnist_handler.py \
USER root
RUN printf "\nservice_envelope=json" >> /home/model-server/config.properties
USER model-server
RUN torch-model-archiver \
--model-name=mnist \
--version=1.0 \
--model-file=/home/model-server/mnist.py \
--serialized-file=/home/model-server/mnist_cnn.pt \
--handler=/home/model-server/mnist_handler.py \
CMD ["torchserve", \
"--start", \
"--ts-config=/home/model-server/config.properties", \
"--models", \
Build and Publish the Image
Build the docker image and push it to Docker Hub, substituting YOUR_DOCKERHUB_ACCOUNT
docker build -t my-pytorch-image .
docker tag my-pytorch-image YOUR_DOCKERHUB_ACCOUNT/pytorch:latest
docker push YOUR_DOCKERHUB_ACCOUNT/pytorch:latest
Create a Kubernetes Deployment for PyTorch
Next, create the deployment for PyTorch as pytorch-deployment.yaml substituting YOUR_DOCKERHUB_ACCOUNT
accordingly. This will direct CloudFlow to distribute the container you've pushed to Docker Hub.
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
app: pytorch
name: pytorch
replicas: 1
app: pytorch
app: pytorch
- image: YOUR_DOCKERHUB_ACCOUNT/pytorch:latest
imagePullPolicy: Always
name: pytorch
memory: ".5Gi"
cpu: "500m"
memory: ".5Gi"
cpu: "500m"
Apply this deployment resource to your Project with either the Kubernetes dashboard or kubectl apply -f pytorch-upstream.yaml
Expose the Service on the Internet
We want to expose the PyTorch service on the Internet. Create ingress-upstream.yaml as defined below.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
app: ingress-upstream
name: ingress-upstream
- name: 80-80
port: 80
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 8080
app: pytorch
sessionAffinity: None
type: ClusterIP
Apply this service resource to your Project with either the Kubernetes dashboard or kubectl apply -f ingress-upstream.yaml
See the pods running on CloudFlow's network using kubectl get pods -o wide
The -o wide
switch shows where your container is running according to the default AEE location optimization strategy. Your container will be optimally deployed according to traffic.
Create a File with an Image
You'll send an image of a '3' to the prediction engine to see if it can figure it out. Place the following JSON into a file called png-image-of-a-3.json
"instances": [
"data": {
"b64": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABwAAAAcCAAAAABXZoBIAAAAv0lEQVR4nGNgGKSA03faPyDwxibHu/7vvwfnzz/5tsgRU3LW33uukgwMCi1PdmBKOr7dAmEsuiiIKSssDpX8q4fbYYv/4ZZk3YTNWCg48HcGTrnOf39dcUgpzPv97+/b56LY5PKBIfTi+bt//7ptMSV7Py6NYWCQirn17zymJK8R1PRVd4RxuoqhG6erCEmevoBbbsqvUkxBXWMQabzk+wksOhZ9vHDh4oWPf1d6YZFUuff377+/9zp5cNtIHQAAtP5OgKw1m4AAAAAASUVORK5CYII="
The image looks like this:
Start Making Predictions at the Edge
Exercise the ML model server substituting YOUR_ENVIRONMENT_HOSTNAME
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-d @png-image-of-a-3.json \
The result you'll get:
{ "predictions": [3] }