section_container_cpu_usage_seconds_total | From container_cpu_usage_seconds_total. This is the actual CPU usage of a pod, in vCPU (Kubernetes "cores"), averaged over the last 1 minute. It is a sum of all replicas of a pod in a given popname (see "popname" in the labels below). |
section_container_memory_usage_bytes | From container_memory_usage_bytes. This is the actual memory usage, in GiB, averaged over the last 1 minute. |
section_http_bytes_total_sum_rate (section_http_bytes_total:sum_rate) | This is an HTTP byte transmission rate, request bytes per second, calculated over a 2 minute span. It is called a "sum_rate" because it is doing its calculation over all the replicas of a given container that are running for that environment. In other words, it is a sum of all bytes in all replicas. |
section_http_request_count_total_sum_rate (section_http_request_count_total:sum_rate) | This is an HTTP request count rate, requests per second, calculated over a 5 minute span. It is called a "sum_rate" because it is doing its calculation over all the replicas of a given container that are running for that environment. In other words, it is a sum of all requests in all replicas. |
section_kube_pod_container_resource_requests | Comes from kube_pod_container_resource_requests, this gives either memory or cpu requests, depending upon the value of the labels "resource" or "unit", below. |
section_kube_pod_status_phase | From kube_pod_status_phase |
section_kube_pod_status_ready | From kube_pod_status_ready |